39th Contemporary History Auction

Bidding on 1500 lots has ended on 27th September 2020. 85% of all lots sold

1418 |

Olt. Alfred Schneider - Knight's Cross grouping (Geb.Jäg.Rgt.206)

Olt. Alfred Schneider - Knight's Cross grouping (Geb.Jäg.Rgt.206)

LOT 49-1418
Auction ended        27th September 2020  |  09:04 pm CEST

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PERIOD 1918 — 1945
COUNTRY Deutschland
LOT 49-1418
EAN 2000000347059
LOT 49-1418
PERIOD 1918 — 1945
COUNTRY Deutschland
EAN 2000000347059
PERIOD 1918 — 1945
COUNTRY Deutschland
LOT 49-1418
EAN 2000000347059
Germany 1918 - 1945


Grouping to Oberleutnant Alfred Schneider serving with Inf.Rgt.21, l.Inf.Rgt.206 and Geb.Jäg.Rgt.206.  Schneider was born on 28.6.16 in Nürnberg and killed in action on 3.6.1942 South West of Staraya Russa, Russia. Schneider was awarded the Knight's Cross posthumously on 7.6.1942, 4 days after his death as Führer 9.Komp. /Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 206.

The grouping came of the family and was never available on the market before!

The grouping not only contains his award documents and field post letters but also three large size framed portrait photos. Two photos were period time retouched and show him wearing his Knight's Cross. Since he was awarded the Knight's Cross after his death, a photo of Schneider wearing the Knight's Cross never existed. Please note that his Oberleutnant rank pipes were also retouched. 

Two frames are 36cm x 46cm. One measures 37cm x 50cm.


- Inf.Rgt.21 "Regimentstagesbefehl" dated 18.11.40. 
- Inf.Rgt.21 France Campaign commemorative document with a picture of Oberst Edmund Hoffmeister. Folded twice. One rip.

- Original letter of Baldur von Schirach congratulating Leutnant Alfred Schneider being awarded the 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Official "Der Beauftragte des Führers für die Inspektion der HJ und Reichsleiter für die Jugenderziehung der NSDAP" letterhead. 15.9.1940 dated. Original ink autograph of Baldur von Schirach. Folded twice.

- A 5.12.42 dated letter of condolence to Alfred Schneider's wife sent by Oberstleutnant Oberst Albin Esch, commander of  Gebirgs-Jäger-Regiment 206. Original signature. Folded twice. Including two period time transcripts. 

Award certificates:

- Certificate to the 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class certificate dated 11.6.1940. Issued to Leutnant Schneider serving with 12./Inf.Rgt.21. Original signature of Generalleutnant Loch, commander of 17. Inf.Div. Folded once.
- Certificate to the 1939 Iron Cross 1st Class certificate dated 5.8.1941. Issued to Leutnant Alfred Schneider serving with 10./Inf.Rgt.206. Original signature of Generalleutnant von der Chevallerie, commander of 99. leichte Infanterie-Division. Folded once.
- Certificate to the Wound Badge in black. Issued on 15.9.41 to Leutnant Alfred Schneider serving with 10./Inf.Rgt.206. Signed by Hauptmann Hermann, commander of the battalion.
- Certificate to the Wound Badge in silver. Issued on 28.4.42 to Leutnant Alfred Schneider serving with 9. (MG)./Geb.Jäg.Rgt.206. Signed by a Hauptmann, commander of the battalion. Folded four times.

Roughly 40 original photographs. Many show Alfred Schneider. On some photos he wears his Gebirgsjäger uniform. Some show Erich Schneider.

There are hundreds of pre 1945 Wehrmacht "Feldpost" letters. The majority looks to be sent from and to Knight's Cross winner Oberleutnant Alfred Schneider. There are also letters to and from Erich Schneider, his brother. One envelope is addressed "An die Eltern des gefallenen Ritterkreuzträgers Herr Oblt. Alfred Schneider Nürnberg" (to the parents of the fallen Knight's Cross winner Oberleutnant Alfred Schneider Nuremberg".

Please note that there are a few letters which were never opened. They were sent to him shortly before his death and never reached him. His parents have kept them unopened. We opened two letters which were quite interesting to read.

Letter of Uffz. Huber:
It was sent on 18.6,1942 from Unteroffizier Johann Huber from a military hospital in Altdorf. He must have known Schneider from his time in the hospital.
He said that he heard on the radio that a "Herr Obltn. Alfred Schneider Komp-Führer in einem Geb.Jäg.Rgt." was awarded the Knight's Cross. Also, he found a newspaper article in a Nuremberg newspaper. He says he is now sure that it is him and wants to take the chance to congratulate him for his award!
Huber obviously did not know that Schneider was already dead at this time. A true piece of history uncovered!

Letter of Lt. Staffner:
Staffner Rudolf Staffner sent his best wishes and congratulates to the Knight's Cross awarded and the promotion to an Oberleutnant in a six page handwritten letter. The letter is 20.6.1942 dated. Again, Staffner would have not known that Schneider was already dead at this time.

We could not check all close and open letters and envelopes. There might be more treasures hiding!


Grouping of Leutnant Alfred Schneider's older brother, HJ leader Erich Schneider, born on 30.8.1914.

HJ Gebiet Franken 18 document issued on 24.1.1944 confirming that the Reichsjungedführer has promoted him a HJ Abteilungsleiter.
Actual Abteilungsleiter promotion document signed by HJ Gebietsführer Budäus.
Erich Schneider's HJ leader's ID card with original photograph. The booklet has the cover missing. 

Erich Schneider became a Wehrmacht soldier himself later on. Part of the grouping are many wartime fieldpost letters. He served with Infanterie-Regiment 282.

See description