39th Contemporary History Auction

Die Auktion mit 1500 Losen endete am 27. September 2020. 85% aller Lose wurden verkauft

1420 |

Inf.Rgt. 253 document grouping to Oberstlt. Rudolf Wendte

Inf.Rgt. 253 document grouping to Oberstlt. Rudolf Wendte

LOS 49-1420
Auktion beendet        27. September 2020   |  21:06
EXKL. AUFGELD: 22,50 %

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Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutschland
Los 49-1420
EAN 2000000483702
Los 49-1420
Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutschland
EAN 2000000483702
Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutschland
Los 49-1420
EAN 2000000483702

Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Inf.Rgt. 253 document grouping to Oberstlt. Rudolf Wendte


Extensive document grouping to Oberstleutnant Rudolf Wendte serving as a battalion commander with III./Infanterie-Regiment 253. WWI combatant. 

Certificate to Prussian House Order of Hohenzollern, Knight's Cross with swords. Issued on 8.11.1917. Original signed.

Certificate to WWI Wound Badge in black. Issued on 5.6.1918. Signed by a Major.

Letter of the "Reichskuratorium für Jugendertüchtigung". Signed by a Generalleutnant. "30.9.1933" dated. 

Promotion document. Promoted to Hauptmann. Issued on 12.4.1934. Hand-signed by Generalfeldmarschall Werner von Blomberg (Pour le Merite winner).

Certificate to Honor Cross of WWI. Issued on 7.1.1935. Signed by Generalleutnant Günther von Kluge (later Generalfeldmarschall, Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords winner, suicide on 19.8.1944).

Certificate to Heer Long Service Award 3rd and 4th Class (one document). Issued on 2.10.1936. Signed by Oberst Freiherr Eccard von Gablenz (Knight's Cross winner, Generalleutnant, involved in the Battle of Stalingrad).

Clasp to 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Issued on 23.5.1940. Signed by Generalmajor Werner Sanne (Knight's Cross winner).

Clasp to 1939 Iron Cross 1st Class. Issued on 10.7.1940. Signed by Generalmajor Werner Sanne (Knight's Cross winner).

Combat report (credited for the award of the Infantry Assault Badge). Signed by an Oberstleutnant. "19.10.1942" dated.

Certificate to Wound Badge in silver. Issued on 25.10.1944. Signed by an Oberstabsarzt.

Wehrpass issued on 1.7.1939. Original applied photo. His units from 22.3.1913 until 10.5.1942 are listed on pages 12, 13, and 14. Awards: Clasp to 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class, Clasp to 1939 Iron Cross 1st Class, Wound Badge in silver, 1914 Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class, WWI Wound Bage in black, Prussian House Order of Hohenzollern - Knight's Cross with swords, Honor Cross of WWI and Heer Long Service Award 3rd and 4th. Noted on page 23 and 38. Camping list from 12.8.1914 until 8.5.1945. Listed on pages 32, 33, and 35. 

Soldbuch issued on 11.11.1939. Original applied photo. His units are listed on page 4. Awards: Clasp to 1939 Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class. Noted on page 22.

Furthermore numerous period time documents, his WWI Militärpass as well as the POW documents.

Please note item number 2000000483719 in our 39th Contemporary Auction. We offer a hand-signed promotion document by Adolf Hitler to Oberstleutnant Wendte.

