41st Contemporary History Auction

Die Auktion mit 1476 Losen endete am 21. February 2021. 90% aller Lose wurden verkauft

0738 |

Hempel, Rudolf - einzigartiger Urkundennachlass Hilfkreuzer "Thor"

Hempel, Rudolf - einzigartiger Urkundennachlass Hilfkreuzer "Thor"

LOS 51-0738
Auktion beendet        20. February 2021   |  22:11
EXKL. AUFGELD: 22,50 %

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Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Los 51-0738
EAN 2000000517957
Los 51-0738
Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
EAN 2000000517957
Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Los 51-0738
EAN 2000000517957

Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Hempel, Rudolf - einzigartiger Urkundennachlass Hilfkreuzer "Thor"


Extremely rare document grouping to Kriegsmarine Mechaniker-Maat Rudolf Hempel. He served on board the auxiliary cruiser "Thor" from 1. April 1942. Also known as "Schiff 10" in the Kriegsmarine. The ship sank in the port of Yokohama on 30. November 1942, after an explosion on the German tanker "Altmark", which was anchored next to it. Hempel was also stationed in Japan at this time. Until 1947 he was in the internment camp in Ashinoyu, Japan. His military career can be traced quite well with the enclosed photos and documents.

Certificate to Minesweeper War Badge. Issued in Tokyo on 08.02.1943. Signed by Vizeadmiral and Marineattache Paul Wenneker, German Cross in Silver and Knight's Cross of the 1939 War Merit Cross with Swords winner. Two holes. 

Certificate to Minesweeper War Badge. Issued on board on 08.02.1943. Signed by Vizeadmiral Hans Stohwasser, Knight's Cross winner. Two holes.

Certificate to Auxiliary War Cruiser Badge. Issued in Yokohama on 06.01.1943. This type was only used for members of the THOR. Very hard to find. Signed by Kapitän zur See and commander of the "Thor" Günther Gumprich, Knight's Cross winner. Two holes.

Certificate to 1939 Iron Cross 1st Class. Issued in Yokohama on 06.01.1943. This type was only used for members of the THOR. Very hard to find. Signed by Kapitän zur See and commander of the "Thor" Günther Gumprich, Knight's Cross winner. Two holes.

Certificate to 1939 Iron Cross 1st Class. Issued in Berlin on 22.02.1943. Signed by a Fregattenkapitän. Two holes.

Including about 100 nice photos. The photos show a handball match Germany vs. Japan, portrait photos, group photos, photos taken in Japan and onboard the ship as well as his military training (Artillerie).

Furthermore period time and postwar documents, identity cards as well as his POW documents. Due to a large number of documents, we could not describe each one. Therefore please take a look at the photos. 

An extremely rare grouping!

Please note all items by Rudolf Hempel that we offer in our 41st Contemporary Auction. 
