42nd Contemporary History Auction

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Gefr. Häfner (FJR 1) - Bedeutende Gruppe eines Narvik, Kreta & Cassino Veteranen

Gefr. Häfner (FJR 1) - Bedeutende Gruppe eines Narvik, Kreta & Cassino Veteranen

LOS 52-0141
Auktion beendet        1. May 2021   |  15:33
EXKL. AUFGELD: 22,50 %

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Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Los 52-0141
EAN 2000000547589
Los 52-0141
Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
EAN 2000000547589
Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Los 52-0141
EAN 2000000547589
Artikel aus dem selben Nachlass

Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Gefr. Häfner (FJR 1) - Bedeutende Gruppe eines Narvik, Kreta & Cassino Veteranen


Important FJR1 medal and document grouping to Walter Häfner who joined the Luftwaffe on 1.9.1939 and served until 8.5.1945, the last day of WW2. Häfner was part of the Narvik Campaign in 1940, the Kreta campaign in May 1941, he served in Russia and in Monte Cassino. In 1944,45, he served in Italy until 2.5.1945. Part of the grouping is a 1945 (postwar) issued document which tells you all personal details, his awards, units, promotions and campaigns. The grouping includes three nice portrait photos of him. Two show him wearing his Narvik Shield. 

Award documents:

Certificate to the Iron Cross 2nd Class. Issued in "Chania" (Crete) on 29.5.1941. Original ink signature of the commander of FJR1 Oberst Bruno Bräuer. Not folded. Nicely filled out by hand.
Very nice condition.

Certificate to the Kreta cufftitle. Issued on 20.5.1943 to Oberjäger Häfner serving with 6,/Fall.Jäg.Rgt.1. Facsimile signed by General der Flieger Student. Folded once.

Important certificate and medal grouping to Oberfeldwebel Walter Höfner serving with Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 1. Certificate to the Narvik Shield. Issued on 1.3.1941. Original ink signature of General der Gebirgstruppe Eduard Dietl. Issued to Häfner serving with 4,/Fall.Jäg.Rgt.1. Not folded.

Certificate to the Wound Badge in black. Issued in "Standal" on 15.7.1941. Original ink signature of the commander of FJR1 Oberst Bruno Bräuer.. Wounded on 27.5.1941 (Kreta), Folded once.

Certificate to the Ground Assault Badge issued on 1.10.1942. Issued to Häfner on 1.10.1942. Not folded. Original pencil signature of the division commander.

Large size certificate to the Paratrooper Badge issued on 7.10.1940. Folded twice.

Reichsberufswettkampf der deutschen Jugend 1935 certificate DIN A4 size. Folded once.

The Iron Cross 1st Class certificate is missing for a good reason. It was awarded on 8.5.1945, the last day of the war. He surely never received it.


Soldbuch issued on 27.10.1941 with an originally applied photograph. The number of his ID tag matches the entry on page 1. It is full of entries including a list of all awards on page 22:
"F-Abzeichen" (Paratrooper Badge), Iron ross 2nd Class, Wound Badge in black, Narvik Shield, Ground Assault Badge, Kreta cuffband, Iron Cross 1st Class (8.5.1945!),
Good condition. Including a rare list of 3 close combat days taking place in Italy in 1944.

Medals & insignia:

Well worn full size cufftitle KRETA. 43cm. Machine-embroidered cuff title "Fallschirm-Jäger-Rgt.1". Full sleeve size. A few moth holes.

Worn Oberfeldwebel collar tabs and shoulder boards. Nice patina.

Well worn Paratrooper Badge. Cloth pattern. Great patina. Unworn machine-embroidered breast eagle EM/NCO typ. Aluminum ID tag.


Documents and photos of his later wife, Elisabeth König including her DRK service booklet. Feldpost letters. Some written from Häfner to König.

Printed souvenir pictures he bought in Norway as well as 20 original photographs taken in the field. Some should have been taken on Crete.
