42nd Contemporary History Auction

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Bedeutendes Fotoalbum des Leibdieners von Paul von Hindenburg

Bedeutendes Fotoalbum des Leibdieners von Paul von Hindenburg

LOS 52-0968
Auktion beendet        2. May 2021   |  00:44
EXKL. AUFGELD: 22,50 %

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Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Los 52-0968
EAN 2000000521404
Los 52-0968
Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
EAN 2000000521404
Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Los 52-0968
EAN 2000000521404

Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Bedeutendes Fotoalbum des Leibdieners von Paul von Hindenburg


Important photo album of the Paul von Hindenburg's valet Oskar P. serving at "Gut Neudeck", Paul von Hindenburg's private estate. Neudeck, now Ogrodzieniec in Poland, was owned by the Hindenburg family since 1755. It was burned by Russian troops in 1945. Oskar P. (1894 - 1973) served as Hindenburg's valet from the end of World War I until von Hindenburg's death in 1934. He was nicknamed "Karl" to avoid confusion with von Hindenburg's Sohn which was also named Oskar. After von Hindenburg's death at Gut Neudeck on 2.8.1934, Oskar P. served Staatssekretär Otto Meissner.

The album is an important piece of history documenting several historical events taken place at Neudeck. 

It starts with a group of photos taken on "29/30 August 1932" which show Staatssekretär Otto Meissner, Reichskanzler Franz von Papen, Reich Minister of Defense (and later Reichskanzler) Kurt von Schleicher, Reich Minister of the Interior Wilhelm von Gayl and Paul von Hindenburg's son, Oskar, who later had considerable influence on the appointment of Adolf Hitler as German chancellor in January 1933.

Historical information on that meeting are published by the Bundesarchiv: https://www.bundesarchiv.de/aktenreichskanzlei/1919-1933/0001/vpa/vpa1p/kap1_2/para2_121.html

The next photo show Paul von Hindenburg attending a manouver followed by photos taken during a parade for Hindenburg's birthday on 2.10.1932 in Berlin. 

The next four photos were again taken at Neudeck and are "Juli 1932" dated. The July 1932 Reichstag elections witnessed a significant Nazi victory. The Nazis received 37% of the votes: the most of any party, but still shy of an absolute majority. Rather than use these newly won seats to support the Papen government, Hitler sought to form his own Nazi government. The photos show Hindenburg, Otto Meissner, Oskar von Hindenburg and other unknown individuals.

There is another group of four photos taken one year later, in July 1933, after Hitler came to power. Franz von Papen, now Vice-Chancellor of Germany, visits Paul von Hindenburg at Neudeck.

The following photos were mostly taken in August 1933. Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring and Franz von Papen have visted Gut Neudeck. Those photoss must be realated to the so-called "Präsideten-Affäre". Hermann Göring, new Prime Minister of Prussia, gave a significant piece of land (Langenau) to Hindenburg as a gift. One photo shows Göring lying on the terrace of Gut Neudeck next ot a dog. The photo was taken from the first floor. Another photo shows Göring pointing on something with von Hindenburg and Papen next to him. Quite a few high ranking NSDAP related individuals including Göring are shown at a visit of Neudeck during the "Ostland-Treuefahrt". 

There are two photos taken at the Hitler's "Berghof" at the Obersalzberg mixed into the photos taken at Neudeck. These two photos are "Sep.33" dated. One shows Göring with the "Haus Türken" in the background.

Rittmeister Wedige von der Schulenburg, von Hindenburg's personal adjutant, is shown on one of the following photos. He had major influance on von Hindenburg by protecting him from visitors for example von Papen's adjutant, Wilhelm Freiherr von Ketteler, who wanted to report on important facts related to the Röhm putch. Von der Schulenburg witnessed von Hindenburg famous titel "böhmischer Gefreiter" for Adolf Hitler. 

74 photos in total. Adolf Hitler is shown five times. Complete.
Seven single photos. One shows Adolf Hitler. Two photos show the dead Paul von Hindenburg. One of them shows his valet Oskar P. standing behind him.
