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Wilhelm von Reitzenstein - Bedeutender Nachlass eines Inhabers des Militär-Max-Joseph-Orden

Wilhelm von Reitzenstein - Bedeutender Nachlass eines Inhabers des Militär-Max-Joseph-Orden

LOS 53-0375

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Epoche bis 1918
Land Deutsches Kaiserreich
Los 53-0375
EAN 2000000575087
Los 53-0375
Epoche bis 1918
Land Deutsches Kaiserreich
EAN 2000000575087
Epoche bis 1918
Land Deutsches Kaiserreich
Los 53-0375
EAN 2000000575087

Deutsches Kaiserreich
Wilhelm von Reitzenstein - Bedeutender Nachlass eines Inhabers des Militär-Max-Joseph-Orden


Important grouping to Wilhelm Ritter von Reitzenstein (1880 - 1941), a recipient of the highest award for military merits of the Kingdom of Bavaria. His grouping contains countless documents, award certificates, photos, and medals as well as a period time oil.
An extremely rare chance to get hold of a very comprehensive grouping of a Military Order of Max Joseph winner. A grouping of historical importance.

Von Reitzenstein became a member of the Militär-Max-Joseph order on 25.1914 for his resolute approach against "Fort Camp des Romains" during World War I. 


Large 9-place medal bar with ribbon bar:
Militär-Max-Joseph-Orden, Ritterkreuz. Gold. The lower ring slightly opened. Worn condition. Including the matching certificate with the signature of König Ludwig III. 1915.
Militär-Verdienstorden 4th Class with crown and swords. Silver, gold. Made by Hemmerle. Including the matching certificate. 1916 dated. 
Prussia. Hausorden von Hohenzollern. Knight's Cross with swords. Silver, gilt. Including the matching certificate. 1917 dated.
Prinz Luitpold-Jubiläumsmedaille. Bronze. Including the matching certificate. 1905 dated.
Prussia. 1914 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Including the matching certificate. 1914 dated.
Mecklenburg. Militärverdienstkreuz 2.Klasse. Bronze, gilt. Including the matching certificate. 1918 dated.
Prussia. Kronen-Orden 4th Class. Gilt. Including the matching certificate. 1906 dated.
Austria. Militär-Verdienstkreuz 3rd Class with war decoration and clasp. Silver. Partially gilt. White enameled back. Including two certificates. 1917 and 1918 dated.
Bavaria. Offiziersdienstauszeichnung for 24 years. Bronze.

Extremely rare period time mounted medal bar including a matching ribbon bar. Both in worn condition with signs of age.

The original "1" stamped ring of the Militär-Max-Joseph-Orden was period time replaced by another ring. Most probably to allow a more practical wear.  Historical documents state von Reitzenstein's order as "not replaced". For this reason, the Military Order of Max Joseph part of this medal bar is definitely von Reitzenstein's awarded example!


Other documents, certificates and photos:
"Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer" certificate (1935) and certifiate to the Kyffhäuser medal (1929, including the medal). 
Promotion certificates:
Fähnrich (1899), Leutnant (1900, signed by Prinzregent Leutpold), Oberleutnant (1910, signed by Prinzregent Leutpold), Hauptmann (1914, signed by König Ludwig III.) Oberstleutnant (1927, signed by von Hindenburg), Oberst (1930, signed by von Hindenburg).

A letter sent by "Der Reichspräsident" thanking for his service time allowing von Reitzenstein to wear a General's uniform (Charakter als Generalmajor und der Berechtigung zum Tragen der Generalsuniform). Original ink signature of von Hindenburg. Certificate confirming the acceptance as a aristoratic as well as his painted color crest.

Certificate to the Iron Cross 1st Class missing.

Detailed documentation about this "Knight's act" at "Fort Camp des Romains" in 1914. Newspaper articles. Parts of his personal files.
Small letter grouping until 1958. Personal war diary with photos. Other period time photographs.

Several IDs including his Wehrpaß. Notes related on historical events as "Unterdrückung der Unruhen in Nordbayern" (1920) and "Unterdrückung der Unruhen in München" (8-21.11.1923, Hitler Putsch),

Letters, documents and certificates to Leutnant Bauer who was a relativ of von Reitzestein. Leutnant Bauer was also proposed for the Military Order of Max Joseph.


Oil on canvas showing Wilhelm Ritter von Reitzenstein. Ordered by former officers of 6. Infanterie-Regiment to display at the officer's mess hall.
A 1932 dated portrait photo of von Reitzenstein was the model for Berta Kaiser's painting. It shows von Reitzenstein as the regiment commander of Infanterie-Regiment 1921 in 1932.
Period time attached paper signed by Major Bürckstümmer, the head of the officer's association of former 6. Infanterie-Regiment members.

Nice quality paiting in fieldgrey uniform with all medals. "21" cyphers to his shoulder boards. The von Reitzenstein family crest to the left upper corner. Nice condition. No damage.

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