12th Contemporary History Auction

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U-48 - Persönliches Fotoalbum des Ritterkreuzträgers LI Zürn

U-48 - Persönliches Fotoalbum des Ritterkreuzträgers LI Zürn

LOS 16-287
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Los 16-287
EAN 2000000080970
Los 16-287
Land Deutschland
EAN 2000000080970
Land Deutschland
Los 16-287
EAN 2000000080970

U-48 - Persönliches Fotoalbum des Ritterkreuzträgers LI Zürn

Important photo album grouping to Kapitänleutnant and "LI" Erich Zürn awarded the Knight's Cross on 23.4.1941 serving on U-48, one of the most successful U-Boots of WW2.
Oberleutnant (Ing.) and later Kapitänleutnant (Ing.) Zürn contributed to the success of U-48 under the command of Herbert Schultze, Hans-Rudolf Rösing and Heinrich Bleichrodt. He served as chief engineer (Leitender Ingenieur = LI) on nine patrols on one of the most successful U-boats of World War II. As flotilla engineer in the 29th U-boat Flotilla (1.6.1942 – 31.1.1944) in La Spezia and Toulon and later in the 5th U-boat Flotilla, Zürn introduced a number of improvements which helped the flotilla operate at peak efficiency.
Zürn served from 1925-1945 on following ships and boats: Kreuzer Königsberg, Kreuzer Admiral Hipper, Panzerschiff Admiral Scheer, U-3, U-26 and U-48. He started as a young Heizer with the Reichsmarine and was promoted a Kapitänleutnant on 1.2.1942.
He served on U-3 as "IIA Obermaschinist" from August 1935 until February 1936 and as "IA 1. Wach-Maschinist" on U-26 from March 1936 until March 1938. He was awarded the Spanish Cross in bronze for active service during the Spanish Civil War in 1937. His WW2 service time was on U-48 as "LI" where he was awarded the Knight's Cross. He had 243 sailing days which were 9 patrols from December 1939 until July 1941. Knight's Cross on 23.4.1941.
Early large size photo album starting with two pictures of Zürn as a young officer's candidate with his dagger. He mentioned interesting details about his ranks and service time from 1925-1933 below the photos. Very interesting photos document his pre 1933 service time as a young "Heizer". An excellent album with 154 photographs.
Very nice condition 2.
Size: 39cm + 32cm
Photo album "Einsatz in Finnland v- Mai b. August 1934":
Containing 212 very rare photographs. The majority of them show U-Boots.
Very nice condition 2.
Size: 25cm + 22cm
Photo album "Türkeieinsatz-Konstantinopel von Februar bis Mai 1935":
75 photographes. Nearly all of them show U-Boots.
Very nice condition 2.
Size: 20cm + 27cm.
Photo album "Aus meiner Dienstzeit" on his service time on U-48 (Type VII B). A very rare album of great historical importance. A rare document of WW2 U-Boot history starting with a private portrait photo of Zürn with his Knight's Cross. Roughly 199 original photos inside.
Death notices and a photo of his grave to the last page. He was hit by a card and died shortly after. The death notice mentions he was a successful U-Boot sailor awarded the Knight's Cross. 
Very nice condition 2.
Size: 34cm + 25cm.

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