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Obstl.Pacher - untouched Knight's Cross grouping

Obstl.Pacher - untouched Knight's Cross grouping

LOS 32-0565
Auktion beendet        22. July 2018   |  14:00

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EAN 2000000268930
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Los 32-0565
EAN 2000000268930
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Obstl.Pacher - untouched Knight's Cross grouping

A family purchased Knight's Cross grouping available on the market for the first time! Purchased by the son of Oberstleutnant Alois Pacher. The most comprehensive and untouched Knight's Cross we have ever offered. It not only contains all award certificates including rare 1945 dated documents, there are hundreds of wartime letters, additional wartime documents as well as postwar documents on Pacher's dead. His window find out on his death until the 1980s. He was finally reported killed in action on 1.5.1945.
Pacher, born on 25.4.1910, joined 1./Infanterie-Regiment 20 on 1.1929 and served with the Wehrmacht until his death in May 1945 as an Oberstleutnant and regimental commander. He served with Grenadier-Regiment 95, Grenadier-Regiment 330 and Grenadier-Regiment 222 (as the commander). The postwar documents provide many details on his death since several comrades sent reports and wishes to his widow in order to help finding out more details. 
There are 19 original photographs part of the grouping. Most are rather early however one shows Pacher as a Major awarded the German Cross and the Close Combat Clasp. One very interesting one shows him with helmet next to comrades after an assault in Russia on 5.10.42. There are postwar photographs showing Pacher with his Knight's Cross. The window has asked a photo studio to retouch the Knight's Cross as Pacher never had the chance to do a portrait after being awarded.
Award certificates:
"Vorläufiges Besitzzeugnis" certificate for the Knight's Cross issued on 8.3.1945. Original signature of Generalleutnant Ernst Maisel. Oberkommando des Heeres - Personalamt" stamped. Issued to Pacher as Oberstleutnant and commader of Grenadier-Reigment 222 (75.Inf.Div.)
Folded once. Very nice condition.
Large size award certificate to the German Cross in gold issued to Pacher as Kompanie Chef of 4./Inf.Rgt.330 on 5.11.1942. Original ink sigature by Keitel. "Der Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres stamped.  Not folded however rips and damage to the sides. It comes with a 24.2.1944 dated document sent from "Wehrbezirkskommando Amberg" stating that his large size certificate needs to stay at the home address since the recipient has already received the "Vorläufiges Besitzzeugnis". Infact, it took 1,5 years before this document was shipped home. An interesting detail. In fact, half of the original 24.2.44 dated shipping envelope addressed to his wife is still there.
"Vorläufiges Besitzzeugnis" certificate for the German Cross in gold issued on 5.11.1942. Original ink sigature by Keitel. "Der Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres stamped. Issued to Pacher as Oberleutnant and Kompanie Chef of 4./Inf.Rgt.330.
Folded once. Small rips to the right bottom. Good condition.
Letter of congratulation and appreciation sent by General der Artillerie Rudolf von Roman. Original ink signature. "Der Kommandierende General XX. Armeekorps" letter head. 13.11.1942 sent congratulating Pacher to his German Cross in gold. Folded once. DIN A4 size.
Certificate to the Iron Cross 1st Class issued on 18.10.1941 as a Leutnant serving with 4./Inf.Rgt.330. 183.Inf.Div. stamped. Original ink signature of Generalmajor Richard Stempel. Folded once. Very good condition.
Certificate to the Iron Cross 2nd Class issued on 30.6.1941 as a Leutnant serving with 4./Inf.Rgt.330. 183.Inf.Div. stamped. Original ink signature of Generalmajor Benignus Dippold. Interestingly, this document comes with an note to the reverse explaining why he was awarded the EK2. Not folded. Very good condition.
Certificate to the War Merit Cross 2nd Class issued on 30.1.1941 as a Feldwebel serving with 8./Inf.Rgt.330. 183.Inf.Div. stamped. Original ink signature of Generalmajor Benignus Dippold. Interestingly, this document comes with an note of his bataillon commander to the reverse explaining why he was awarded the KVK2. Not folded. Very good condition.
Field issued certificate to the Close Combat Clasp in bronze. 23.12.1943 at (Divionsgruppen-Gefechtsstand) issued to Pacher as a Hauptmann and bataillon commander serving with "Grenadier-Regiments-Gruppe 330". Awarded for 15 days of close combat. Signed by Major Ahnert, leader of the Divisionsgruppe 330.
Not folded. Excellent condition. 
Certificate to the East Medal. Issued to Pacher as a Hauptmann serving with "Grenadier-Regiments-Gruppe 330". Div.Gruppe 183 stamped. Signed by Major Bäcker, leader of Divisionsgruppe 183. Issued on 29.2.1944.
Not folded. Excellent condition. 
Certificate to the Wound Badge in gold. Issued to Pacher as a Hauptmann serving with "Stab/Grenadier-Regiments-Gruppe 330". Div.Gruppe 183 stamped. Signed by Major Bäcker, leader of Divisionsgruppe 183. Issued on 10.1.1944. Awarded for this 5th injury from 8.1.1944.
Not folded. Excellent condition. 
Certificate to the Wound Badge in silver. Issued to Pacher as an Oberleutnant serving with 4.(M.G.)/Infanterie-Regiment 330. Inf.Rgt.330 stamped. Signed by Major Reinhardt, commander of the 1st. bataillon. Issued on 6.10.1942. 
Folded once. Excellent condition. 
Certificate to the Wound Badge in black. Issued to Pacher as an Oberleutnant serving with 1./Infanterie-Regiment 330. Inf.Rgt.330 stamped. Signed by Hauptmann Reinhardt, commander of the 1st. bataillon. Issued on 25.2.1942. 
Folded once. Good condition. 
DRA Sport's Badge in bronze award booklet with original attached photograph of Pacher in Reichswehr uniforms serving with Infanterie-Regiment 20. Issued on 1933. 
"Korpstagesgefehl" issued on 7.12.42 reporting that Pacher as well as other officer's of the Korps were awarded the German Cross in gold. The printed document comes inside the original color printed folder "Der Kommandiere General des XX.Armeekorps" adresssd to Pacher as ommander of 4./Gren.Rgt.330. The whole set was shipped in an envelope which is still part of the grouping. Iwas shipped on 17.12.1942. It is addressed to Pacher's wife Isabella. 
Machine-written "Division-Tagesbefehl" from 12.3.1945 reporting that Oberstleutnant Pacher was awarded the 12th Knight's Cross of the 75. Infanterie-Division as commander of Grenadier-Regiment 222. It states that Pacher was awarded the Knight's Cross for stopping the enemy at the "Dukla-Paß und im Oberschlesischen Kampfgebiet" for several times. The document comes with an original signature of the division commander Generalmajor Karl Arning.
Handwritten letter of congratulations sent by the Ia of 75.Inf.Div. Oberstleutnant Hans Schiele. Original ink signature. Official letter head of the division. 29.12.1944 dated. He congratulates to Pacher's promotion (Oberstleutnant) and his command of Granadier-Regiment 222. Happy New Year wishes for 1945.
Promotion list issued on 2.4.1943 promoting Pacher a Hauptmann as commander of 1./Gren.Rgt.330.
There are hundreds of Feldpost letters up to 1945. We can't show the quality. Please expect more you actually see on the pictures.
The letters and cards include a handwritten card to Pacher sent by the Division's priest Eduard Putz (NSDAP member since 1927).  A Happy New Year 1943 presented by his Kompanie with a painted German Cross in gold. A Christmas 1944 card signed by Oberst Sprengel, commander of Inf.Rgt.202, a 1944/45 invitation card for Pacher for having breakfest with the division commander and a lot more.
The grouping is too comprehensive to show in full via pictures. An amazing grouping with all award certificates being complete and in fantastic condition.
A scarce grouping of a young Knight's Cross recipient serving for 16 years only to be killed in the last week of WWII.

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