2nd Contemporary History Auction

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Scarce SS photo album AUSTRIAN LEGION

Scarce SS photo album AUSTRIAN LEGION

LOS 2-375
Auktion beendet        2. February 2015   |  01:37

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Land Deutschland
Los 2-375
EAN 2000000012040
Los 2-375
Land Deutschland
EAN 2000000012040
Land Deutschland
Los 2-375
EAN 2000000012040

Scarce SS photo album AUSTRIAN LEGION

This album was sold through us at butschek antiques in June 2014 and was now consigned by the owner who wants to concentrate on a different collecting field.
An interesting side note: A relative contacted us who appreciated that we sent him the pictures of the album. He never knew an album existed so this must have left the property shortly after the war we guessed.
Scarce SS photo album to a pre 1938 Austrian SS man who was part of the NSDAP Ortsgruppe Enns (Austria). The NSDAP was banned in Austria after June 1933 and many Nazis were imprisoned. 
The so-called "Österreichische Legion" (Austrian Legion) was founded in 1933 and comprised Austrian Nazis who fled to Germany. Many of those - mainly SA men - were absorbed into Bavarian SS bases. This SS man was part of 2/III/37 Gruppe Enns based in Dachau from 1933/34. The SS man was supposed to be Obersturmbannführer Theodor Slipek (NSDAP number: 92.368, SS number; 2.357). However, we can not proof it.
Slipek was born in 1893 and was awarded the NSDAP Golden Party Badge, the Silver SS Long Service Award, the SS Honor Saber as well as the SS Totenkopf Honor Ring).
The album to this individual is a great historical record describing an important piece of German-Austrian history. It contains extremely rare pictures such as photos showing this (later) SS man being arrested by the Austrian police. Page 4 of the album comes with two photographs showing this scene. If you look closely you can see they were taken covertly from a window. These can be considered as extremely rare! The scene most probably took place in Enns, Oberösterreich (Austria).He subtitled them:
"Verhaftet weil zu deutsch! Im Mai 1933" (Arrest because of being too German. May 1933)
The same page shows two photographs of an SA-Mann. "Propagandaminister von Enns". 
The album contains 70 original photographs and one postcard. The last pages show 6 photographs of the SS man in Austrian uniform as well as in SA uniform. 
The first page says "Meinen lieben Eltern zum Angedenken an meine SS-Legions-Zeit in Deutschland" (To my dear parent to commemorate my time in the SS-Legion in Germany). The next page shows extremely rare SS photos. One SS man wears the cuffband DACHAU. There are many photos taken in Dachau and in Lechtfeld. 
Many pictures show SS men with the early black kepis. Looking at the back of only a few photos we found the stamp of "Photohaus Weinzierl, Dachau". Also, there were "Dachau März 34" written on the reverse. 
One photo shows a visit of high ranking SS men to Dachau including Heinrich Himmler. Again, they show the stamp of the same photo studio based in Dachau on the back. The last photos were taken in Nürnberg. One shows high ranking SS men next to Hitler, Himmler and Hess. 
Extremely rare piece of history. Good condition 2.

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