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Mecklenburg - Order of the Griffin Honor Cross

Mecklenburg - Greifen Orden Ehrenkreuz

LOS 71-1179
Verkauft in unserer Auktion im November 2023
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Epoche bis 1918
Land Deutsches Kaiserreich
Material Silber
Maße 55.5 x 55.5 mm
OEK 1294
Hersteller ansehen
Los 71-1179
EAN 2000000559636
Los 71-1179
Epoche bis 1918
Land Deutsches Kaiserreich
EAN 2000000559636
Material Silber
Maße 55.5 x 55.5 mm
OEK 1294
Hersteller ansehen
Epoche bis 1918
Land Deutsches Kaiserreich
Los 71-1179
Material Silber
Maße 55.5 x 55.5 mm
EAN 2000000559636
OEK 1294
Hersteller ansehen

Deutsches Kaiserreich


Ehrenkreuz, Silber vergoldet und emailliert. Auf der Rückseite mit: "H.Rose Schwerin" gepunzt.

Frühes Kreuz mit einem detaillierten, von Hand nachgearbeiteten Greifen in der Medaillonmitte. Der Hintergrund der roten Emaille sehr fein von Hand geschnitten. Die Kreuze offiziellen waren immer in vergoldetem Silber ausgeführt.

Von insgesamt 82 für Mecklenburg-Strelitz verliehenen Ehrenkreuzen wurden von 15 Exemplare von dem Juwelier Rose an die Ordens-Kanzlei-Kanzlei geliefert; für Mecklenburg-Schwerin sind 378 Ehrenkreuze verliehen worden mit einer geschätzten Rücklaufquote von 53,7%.

Schönes Ehrenkreuz in fantastischem Zustand.

Historische Informationen
1844 - 1918

Grand Duke Friedrich Franz III. of Mecklenburg Schwerin notified Grand Duke Friedrich Wilhelm of Mecklenburg Strelitz in a letter dated June 10, 1884 about his plan to follow through with his father’s idea to create a new order to fulfill the need for awards to foreigners, the Griffin Order. He posed the question to whether he would follow suit to issue this order in unison with the house of Schwerin. Friedrich Wilhelm denied on June 23, 1884. Schwerin however created the order on September 15, 1884.

The order was finally adopted in Strelitz 20 years later on August 22/23 1904. The order could be awarded by either state or as a joined award. The order consisted of four grades, Grand Cross, Grand Commander and Commander Cross, Honor Cross, Knight Cross.

The Grand Cross could be awarded with swords for war merit as well as with diamonds. It could also be awarded with diamonds just as the commander cross. Awards of this kind are not known. The star of the grand cross was initially to be worn on the right chest but was moved to the left chest in 1902. The knight cross could be awarded with crown from 1904 on. The Cross is a Maltese cross in red enamel with a round center showing a griffin looking to the left. The star is either a silver eight (grand cross) or four-pointed one (grand commander) with a round center consisting of an outer wreath showing the golden motto over red enamel: ”Altor Adversis” (exalted over adversity) over a golden laurel leaf with a golden griffin in the center looking to the left.
